It’s Playtime! Unconventional and Hilarious Games to Entertain Your Bored Pet

Crisp fall afternoons are still a ways off as our Midwest summer drags on through late August and early September. The combination of the heat making it dangerous to take pets on long walks through the neighborhood, as well as the summertime blues brought on by a family’s absence due to vacations and all day outings can leave your pet feeling melancholy.

Oftentimes when your pet feels bored, they may get into some mischief at home. Whether you come home from a day out to the kitchen trash strewn about the house, your favorite pair of running shoes chewed up, or all the stuffing from a couch pillow scattered around the living room. You may find yourself asking, Why did he do this? He’s usually such a good dog!

The answer could be simpler than you think–he was bored! 

Just like people, the combination of boredom + loneliness can lead your pet to get up to some rascally shenanigans while you’re out. That’s why it’s important to keep your pets both physically and intellectually stimulated. If you can take advantage of your time with them at home to give their bodies and minds something to do, their behavior while you’re away will likely be more docile and calm. Instead of getting into trouble, your pet will happily lounge and relax until your return. 

In this blog post you’ll find a collection of unconventional and hilarious activities to curb your pets boredom and satisfy their intellectual appetite! 

Sensory Scavenger Hunt

For this activity, you’ll need a few minutes to hide several objects around the house. Start by either letting your dog outside or having a family member make sure they stay in one area. 

Next, get out a handful of dog treats with a more distinctive smell. This might be a favorite treat that they don’t get as often, or a new treat that they haven’t smelled before. 

Place the treats in semi-hidden spots around your home. Don’t put a treat anywhere you wouldn’t normally give your dog access to as you don’t want to build a bad habit with them. Some fun hiding spot ideas include putting a treat on the seat of a kitchen chair, inside their toy basket, or on the ground next to the leg of the couch or table. 

Once the treats are spread throughout your home, give your dog a taste of the fun they’re about to experience. Allow them to smell and taste 1 of the hidden treats. Once they catch the scent, use key words like “Look!” or “Where?” to encourage your pet to begin seeking out the treats. Stay near them as they search to ensure their safety (and the safety of all the knick knacks around your home!) 


Interactive Food Puzzles

Most pets are quite motivated by food. So why not turn meal time or treat time into a game? In this way, your pet can get its nutrients and bust its boredom simultaneously. 

There are a variety of fascinating puzzles you can buy at your local pet store or online to challenge your pet as they eat. They range in difficulty and can be tailored to your pet’s unique strengths and weaknesses. Some are as simple as an open bowl with maze-like ridges that cause your pet to have to dig with their tongue for their food, or as complicated as a system of push buttons and pulleys that will open a treat compartment when hit in the correct order. 

If you don’t want to buy an interactive feeder, it’s easy to make your own! Use household objects like washcloths filled with food, folded up into an egg carton. Or cut holes into a deep cardboard box, then place treats inside of it. 

Whether store bought or homemade, your pet is sure to enjoy the game and delicious reward at the end of it. 


DIY Obstacle Course

Certainly we’ve all watched the agility course portion of dog shows and wondered to ourselves, Would my dog enjoy that?

The good news is that you don’t have to participate in dog shows to give your pooch a chance to experience the joy of an obstacle course. You can create one for them in your own home! 

First, decide where you want to build your make-shift obstacle course. It could be outdoors or indoors. Once you’ve chosen a location, make sure you have a decent chunk of cleared out area to play within. 

Now for the fun part–create some obstacles for your dog to interact with. Consider using an empty box as a tunnel. Try arranging some pillows as hurdles for your dog to jump over. Include a treat portion of the course in the form of a rolled up towel with a few dog treats hidden inside it. Use your kitchen chairs in a staggered pattern to stage an area for your dog to weave through. 

Once you’re ready to introduce your dog to their obstacle course, make sure you have a few treats and a lot of patience on hand. Dogs love activities with a pattern, but it can take them some time to figure out the rhythm of a game. Start by introducing them to the first obstacle in the course, then see if they can correctly overcome it 3 times. Give your pup plenty of praise, head scratches, and treats as positive reinforcement .

Now that they’ve mastered the first obstacle, head on to the next obstacle.  Spend some time practicing each obstacle in order. After your dog seems to have a handle on the individual obstacles, try running the course through from beginning to end. You’ll be amazed at both the physical and mental toll a DIY obstacle course can take on your dog. Your pooch will be thoroughly pooped after play time! 


Hide-and-Seek with a Twist

This is a great game to tucker out your sweet pup. Grab their squeakiest toy, then corral your dog to a central area of your house. Firmly command your dog to “Stay,” then walk away with the toy to find a fun hiding spot. Once you’re hidden, squeak their toy or bark playfully to release them. Your dog will scramble through the house looking for you. After he finds you, spend a minute rewarding him with the toy or some loving belly rubs. 

Then reset and repeat with a new location! If you need some good hiding spot ideas, consider the following: get in your bed and cover yourself with the comforter, crouch behind a large piece of furniture, step into your shower, or simply duck behind a slightly ajar door. Your dog will be delighted each time he finds you no matter where you hide!


Dance Party for Two

When all else fails, pump up the jam! Put on one of your favorite upbeat songs (might I suggest “Who Let the Dogs Out”) and rock out with your pet. Get the whole family involved in dancing enthusiastically. Your dog will surely wag its tail and prance along with you. Between the loud music and fast movement, your dog’s mind will be thrilled and his body will be exhausted from exerting all that energy. They don’t call it “dog tired” for no reason after all. 

We here at Paws at Home Pet Care hope these ideas inspired and excited you to keep your pet engaged with lots of fun, new, out-of-the-box games. Have a PAWS-itively great day! 



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